Statistically the average person reads at a sixth to ninth grade level, not just high-schoolers. Adults have difficulty making a budget and sticking to it, because algebra is challenging to them. If this sounds laughable then the answer to the question  “why I’m left out, of everything.” Might be that people seek comfort in people they don’t have to impress. The question “am I a loner?” shouldn’t be a negative question.

There is a lot to say about this, and a large part of this is not to get bothered by a one way acquaintance. Because you have a lot in common might not mean anything if that chemistry isn’t there sadly. The disparity between acquaintance and friend is an emotionally harsh one when they don’t call you back. When you aren’t invited to their get together it is a very harsh feeling and it really stings. 

However I have been invited to said events, where a single mother that I worked with dated a guy so she could have a babysitter. so she could get black out drunk, when she felt like it, the conversations at the bar or her places were dreadful. We often get so hurt by the rejection we don’t question what it would be like to be there. Not only would they have to try to impress us or try to sound smart, what seems like a casual quip often seems insulting to them.

The Anti-social approach to this

Therapists, pastors, and ne’er do wells will tell you the same wear your heart on your sleeve. When people have questionable intent try to meet them more than half way. This is why when you go home you ask yourself, why I don’t fit in. 

The truth is we shouldn’t be bumbling around, we would be wise to guard our own confidence and search out positive conversations. If there isn’t any then we can pass, if you are literate although I doubt that it will be impossible to not find a pen-pal. If a person doesn’t have the mental faculties to remember a thought-full message I doubt they will be a good companion. Often good person will cherish thoughtful dialogue.

The natural and nauseous feeling of being surrounded in a sea of people and isolated is quite common sadly. So when you ask yourself why I’m left out, of everything please remember it is a regular feeling of thoughtful people. The thoughtless people out there don’t have these issues, their toyle is a never ending spectacle of glitter and flashing lights. This isn’t a better alternative than being a loner, or a person who cares for others. Actually I find it quite contemptuous that people walk outside the door and don’t think of others. It must be a very hollow world of over-simplified rights and wrongs, but not everyone is like this. If you open your eyes I assure you that there’s a lot of well intentioned people.

Online or in person

Learn to write semi-formal email or message and have the audacity to send it to your working peer or professor. If it is a stranger then start out by commenting on their social media post and see if they bite, hook line and sinker. 

Oh and here is a quick aside, there is no such thing as an unchangeable mind. In a year’s time an older woman may fall in love with you. The new friend you have spoken to has had a change of heart. With real conversations something very funny happens, and when I tell you, you won’t believe it. People will change their opinions of you when you talk to them, a boy will magically turn into a man. 

Finding dead ends 

You might meet a person who goes to school with you and both of you are studying, alchemy in this current year. The first instinct is to go hey me and five people are studying alchemy in the current year. We must have everything in common but it is wise to refrain from that assumption. If we cast such a narrow net for company then we will get people who hate us and have a lot in common. 

It is better to measure the warmth in the room when you are talking to someone. As long as they are intelligent and insightful and warm and caring it will always be a better match than a superficial commonality. One very superficial thing about me is I really like homemaking, this says very little about me besides that fact that I can make my own bed. I wouldn’t search out other quote on quote homemakers to relate to on topics I really care about. It would be along the lines of being upset that I don’t hangout with you because we live in the same town, it is a non sequitur. 

There are things that aren’t non sequitur although, and it is based in character and mutual goals. This is what binds people together like an adhesive. If you have a person a town over from you and they have a common goal it will be easier to see them. Making time out of your day to see someone has to be an innate reward, like pleasure or a hobby. If you aren’t getting something really rewarded out of the relationship it will be impossible to leave your house.